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About your privacy, and what happens if you subscribe to ARealGreenLife

If you subscribe to my mailing list on this site, I will never share your details or do anything to compromise your privacy.

I use your email address only to send you the articles I publish here on, articles on related topics that I write for other websites or publications, and other content I create such as online Workshops.

I'll never send you anything without your permission.

You can unsubscribe at any time using the unsubscribe button at the bottom of every email I send. If you unsubscribe, your email address (which is the only information about you that I'll ever store anywhere) is deleted and forgotten from my email service provider.

Why I build a mailing list and encourage subscribers

Readers make the work of writing worthwhile.

Writers need readers, otherwise it gets lonely in the writing chamber. By subscribing, reading, and commenting, you help keep the echoes away.

In particular, your comments and feedback are priceless – because writing is not just self-expression. My best writing happens when I'm engaged in conversation with another human being, on a topic we both care about. 

Committed readers also help writers build their work in other ways, too.

In writer-speak, its called "building a writer platform" – readers who are committed enough to become subscribers make up the platform upon which a writer can showcase their work.

About the content on ARealGreenLife

The content written here is not "mine," in the sense that everything I write is informed by everything I've read, seen, heard and experienced.

Everything is connected; no-one writes or creates anything in a vacuum, all by themselves. (There is a flip side to this, which I'll mention in a minute.)

Share in person when you can

Accompany your digital shares with a physical hug whenever you can.

If you share my work (thank you!) I have two requests.

First, please share in person—include eye contact and a hug—whenever you can. 

Is there no-one near by whom you could hug? Get off your device and go find someone! 

The second request is: please acknowledge the source. 

Please acknowledge the source 

Please link back to ARealGreenLife if you share my work

There is of course a flip side to what I said above about no-one writing or creating all by themselves.

Like anyone who labors to bring something forth to share with the world, I do work my tail off, alone, for long hours. 

I work on this website somewhere between 3 and 7am most mornings, before I start my "day job" of full time parenting, homeschooling, gardening, and farming. 

So the second thing I ask of you when you share, given how hard I have worked to bring you this content, is to please acknowledge where it came from with a link back to the source.

About using my content

Content posted on ARealGreenLife is my own opinion, based on research and my personal experience. You are solely responsible for how you use this information and any consequences that arise as a result.

If you comment or write to me

You're welcome to write to me anytime. And I love receiving comments on articles. I reply to every email, and I respond to every comment.

If you leave a comment or send an email to let me know that you've enjoyed my work, I may share your comments as a testimonial to help other readers decide if my work would resonate for them.

I'll always seek your permission before sharing your comments. If I don't hear back from you, I'll share your comment anonymously; I won't use your name unless you give me your permission.

Contact me

Please feel free to email me any time, about anything related to ARealGreenLife. I'll usually reply within 24 hours, occasionally a few days if I'm away on a camping trip. 

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