New Beginnings in the Garden of You

We all have an inner life — an inner “garden.” When we neglect it, the useful, beautiful things in it whither and diminish, and the weeds take over. This post shares ways to help your inner garden thrive by tending it in alignment with Nature’s seasons.

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First Day of Spring (Southern Hemisphere)

Spring​ is the time to look at the “seeds” or intentions we’ve been gestating over winter, to choose those with the best chances of surviving and thriving, and to let go of the rest of them. As in the garden, so in our inner lives. ​Otherwise, ​your coming “growing season” ​may be filled with too ​much stuff, or with stuff that isn’t serving you. And if it isn’t serving you then it also won’t be serving your world, which is an extension of you.

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What will the Full Moon Reveal for You?

The lunar cycle offers us a template for reconnecting to Nature and living in more balanced, regenerative ways. In this post: lunar cycle and full moon concepts I’ve been learning about, along with the journal prompts I use at the time of the Full Moon.

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Reclaiming Meaning for Our Holy Days

Ideas and tips for tuning into Nature’s cycles to help us re-create the depth of meaning and connection that has been all but lost as the “consumer religion” has swept around the globe.

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Balancing Busy-ness with Rest

The Equinoxes – the time of balanced light and dark at the midway point through Autumn and Spring – provide an opportunity to examine how we’re managing the balancing act between doing and resting. This short post shares an uncommon idea for our culture and our times: “It is safe to rest.”

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​What the Waning Moon can Teach Us about ​​​Connection ​​and Support

The lunar cycle holds wonderful opportunities for learning and growth, and for reconnecting with Nature’s wisdom. This post explores what the waning moon and the still, empty, “mid-winter” moment at the dark of the moon have to teach us.

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Happy Meat, Happy Ecosystems, Happy People

What is “happy meat?” ​Is meat-eating inherently destructive, or can we have “happy ecosystems” along with happy meat? ​What does meat-eating mean for human health on a more-than physical level? And what about avoiding eating animal products because you care about ​animals’ welfare?

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Moving from Control Toward Intelligent Interaction, in Gardening and in Life

​What gardeners do ​is somewhere on a continuum from controlling the ​life (and death) cycles in the garden, to managing them, to interacting intelligently with them. We tend to default to ​control because of our culturally ingrained assumption that without control there will be chaos and anarchy.

​​This has implications far beyond the garden. How do our ​​assumptions about the need for control shape our world?

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5 Questions to Help You Learn From Last Year and Make the Most of This Year

Examine and learn from the year gone by, to make your New Year resolutions far more effective. Or use this process during any kind of ending and new beginning.

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The Dark Moon – Realigning Ourselves With the Rhythm of Life

The moon influences the ocean and its tides, the flow of sap and the life force in our gardens, and the behavior of many different birds, animals, and crustaceans. If we choose to pay attention, it can also indicate ways that we humans can align ourselves with the rhythms and cycles of life in our efforts to bring ourselves back into harmony with nature.

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