Supermarket Strategy #6 – Wise Use of Whole Foods

Whole foods require more planning and organization than processed convenience foods, but the pay-off is worth it. The benefits include: better nutrition, a feeling of empowerment and reconnection as you learn to engage with your food closer to its source, and the satisfaction in knowing you’re taking better care of the Earth just by how you eat.

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Herb Pesto (and Mulberry Milkshake)

Pesto can be made with any herb or combination of herbs and even leafy vegetables. When all you see in your garden is edible leafy greens, pesto is a great way to serve up all that nutrition in a form that’s easy and appealing to eat.

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2 Ways to Preserve Leafy Greens From Your Veggie Garden

Here are two ideas for preserving leafy greens. The first is a bit of an experiment. The second is a tried and true favorite in my kitchen.

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The Stevia Dilemma

Some of what you might want to know before choosing if and how you’ll use stevia-based sweeteners, along with tips on growing and using your own stevia plants.

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Easy, Natural Ways to Increase the Available Minerals in Your Diet

Assuming you’re eating the healthiest plant foods, grown in the healthiest soil, that you can find or afford, what else can you do to increase your mineral intake without using pills?

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What’s Happened to Your Mineral Intake?

Minerals are ​essential to life, but they’ve become dramatically less available to us in the food we eat. This article explores why.

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Weeds: Real Nutrition for Free

Wild edibles (aka weeds) provide better nutrition than supermarkets ever can, for free.

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Stinging Nettle: Nourishment for You and Your Garden

Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) has a long ​history of use ​for ​food, medicine, cordage, and dye. Here are some ideas ​for ​​making use of the ​free food and fertilizer ​that this under-appreciated weed has to offer.

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7 Easy Substitutes for When Lettuce Won’t Grow

6 ​Salad bowl contenders that can handle heat and high humidity.​The 7th plant doesn’t fit the tropical perennial profile but can make a salad by itself if you have the right growing niche for it. Plus a tip on getting the most nutrition from your salad greens.

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How Did Organ Meats Become “Offal” (Awful)?

In traditional cultures, organ meats were considered to be the animals’ most nutritious, most precious, gift to humanity. In modern society, we’re repelled by the idea of eating organ meats. What happened?

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