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Supermarkets are about the least healthy place to get your consumables from, whether you're applying the term "healthy" to individuals and families, our environment and ecosystems, or to local communities and small businesses.
That's why more than 10 years ago I started working towards alternatives to the supermarket. But important as health is, today's economic climate gives us another reason: cost. While all our other costs have risen, our grocery costs have fallen over the last 3 months. That's because we've been having a good hard look at our shopping habits. This Guide and Template are tools to help you do the same.

- The Wise Woman's forgotten power: way-finder, care-taker, peace-maker
- What we can learn from grandmother whales and grandmother trees
- Older women: tending the web of life with wisdom, perspective and compassion

Available downloads:
- Illustrated CheatSheet - the Series summarized
- Printable CheatSheet - Text only version of the summary
- The eSeries - all of the posts in the Series, with some additional sections, compiled into an eBooklet

- What should never have been for sale;
- how the space inside our heads has become a commodity;
- school, screens, and our kids;
- "parenting ourselves" to out-grow consumerism and all the other forms of separation and alienation that have befallen us

- Are your chickens adding to the resilience, beauty, and fertility of your backyard or small farm, or detracting from them?
- Mobile vs stationary chicken runs
- 8 Advantages of deep litter bedding
- Keeping chickens happy in confinement

- Mobile pig pens versus keeping pigs in one place
- New piglets - why we buy them in rather than breeding our own; early care; thoughts on breed selection
- Feeding and fencing tips, including a step-by-step guide to teaching pigs to understand and respect electric fences
- Ideas to help you make raising pigs a pleasure rather than a chore, even after those cute little piglets are no longer cute

- If you've wanted to grow more of your own food or change to a more sustainable lifestyle but been hijacked by your own procrastination, this is for you
- Ways of seeing the problem to see the solutions
- Dealing with distractions
- Getting your environment to support your outcomes
- Converting overwhelm into sustainable action

This eSeries begins with the story of Pixie, the house cow who made too much milk.
It looks through the lenses of home-scale dairying vs industrial-scale dairying to explore how the drive for more and more "golden eggs" in industrial food production weakens the goose. The "goose" may be a cow or herd of cows, a field or ecosystem, or any other "production unit" you care to think of.
Next is an exploration into how industrialization of food has resulted in food becoming a commodity rather than something we share according to need, and how this cuts us off from the sources of our food and blinds us to the consequences of our buying choices.
The Series finishes with discussion about who really pays the price of cheap, industrially-produced supermarket food.
Be aware that this is a bit of a rambling read!