We All Need a Village; Here’s How to Build One

In this post I share my definition of a village, why we all need one (whether or not we’re raising children), and the paradox you need to grasp that may enable you to start building your own village even when doing so seems impossible.

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How and Why to Grow Sweet Potatoes and Protect Them From Rodents

Sweet potato tubers + greens combined give you a calorie AND nutrient dense food from one growing space. Here’s how to grow them at home, including ideas for protecting them from rodents.

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On Power – a Choice Between Stories

What if we lived in a fundamentally intelligent and playful universe in which we could choose to participate, rather than just going along for the ride?

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Weeds – Deep, Wild Nutrition And Medicine

Over time, wild edibles (weeds) can help us build deep health and resilience, offering a spectrum of nutrition that no supermarket shelf or bottle of pills can ever provide — and weeds are free! Here are six that grow almost everywhere.

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3 Keys to a Real Green Life

In this essay I share the three aspects of our culture that make it difficult and counter-cultural to live a real green life, and how we can turn those three challenges inside out to unpack the solution (the key) from within the problem.

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Using Fresh Aloe Vera Leaf to Treat Burns at Home

Aloe vera is so easy to grow and so useful when you need it. Here is a story, mostly told in pictures, of a nasty chemical burn and how aloe vera came to the rescue.

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Do You Feel Like Rebelling Against These Things Too?

Here are some of the things I have absolutely had enough of, and some of the changes I want to contribute to. Do you feel the same way? What would you change, in this list?

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2 Tips to Keep Your Garden Producing in the Wet and During Times of Neglect

This post shares two tips to make sure your small scale homegrown food production keeps trucking along even when Life happens and your best gardening intentions go out the window.

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What if We Lived in an Intelligent Universe?

What if the universe was intelligent? And what if our sincere commitment to developing clarity, integration, and alignment within ourselves, as part of that universal intelligence, really mattered?

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A Simple Addition To Your Meals With Surprising Health Benefits

When was the last time you ​went out of your way to eat something that tastes bitter? Wild food enthusiasts and herbalists know that the bitter taste triggers a cascade of health benefits including improved digestion, reduced cravings, and increased well-being.

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