Examine and learn from the year gone by, to make your New Year resolutions far more effective. Or use this process during any kind of ending and new beginning.
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Examine and learn from the year gone by, to make your New Year resolutions far more effective. Or use this process during any kind of ending and new beginning.
Most of us, most of the time, do the things we do for stick, carrot, or avoidance reasons. But to really thrive, we need to do things for gift reasons.
The logical mind wants to muscle its way to the results we want; when muscle is inadequate to the task, we think we’ve failed and we’re out of options.
The heart, on the other hand, is not afraid to invoke the results we want by the quality of our attention and the power of our desire to give what we don’t physically have to give.
(10th in a Series) When you do the deep personal work necessary to give up conflict (internal and external), this invisible choice wields power out of all proportion to its humble appearance.
(9th in a Series) As within, so without. How we care for our innermost selves, each other, and our planet, are all linked. As urgent as it may seem to address those issues “out there,” it’s essential to begin “in here.”
(8th in a Series) In our make-it-happen culture, making a difference to anything means grunting and sweating, burning the candle at both ends, making herculean efforts. It’s an that approach keeps us in battle mode and sustains drama and conflict.
(7th in a Series) There are ways to set up your distractions on purpose so that they still lead you in the right direction.
(6th in a Series) The idea that you need motivation and will power to reach your goals is part of a story that says if we use enough of the right kind of force, we’ll get to the goal. There is an easier way.
(5th in a Series) By prioritizing what is important over what is urgent, you can live a more spacious, meaningful, satisfying life.
If you choose to keep growing as an adult, you’ll become increasingly self-actualized and self-reliant, and less dependent on corporate providers. This is very BAD NEWS for the growth economy, which is why no profit-focused corporation will ever fund government policies to encourage the public to behave like this.