All "Empowered Thinking" Posts for 2021
Here you'll find everything I wrote in 2021 in the category of "Empowered Thinking." There's also a companion post that lists all the 2021 posts in my "Practical Skills" category.
Use the links in the box below to jump to a collection of posts, or scroll down the page manually and browse through them all. To read an overview of this post category, go to the Empowered Thinking for Deep Change page.
I hope you find something to enjoy, and thanks for reading along this year. I'll be back with more in 2022!
Empowered Thinking
The “bus” I’m talking about is entire populations of people all gabbling without listening to one another and without thinking clearly. The bus is hurtling toward a cliff, with no-one in the driver’s seat. The opinions, the conflict, the angst, are all fueling the bus. Here’s how to understand what’s going on, and how to disengage from the insanity.
We’re so in the habit of controlling each other/being controlled that we’ve forgotten how to think for ourselves. We’re so overwhelmed by the challenges we face that we assume there’s nothing we can do (and it’s all our fault). And we assume that controlling each other is necessary and failing was inevitable because humans are just basically bad. Let’s re-examine these habits and assumptions.
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The moon influences the ocean and its tides, the flow of sap and the life force in our gardens, and the behavior of many different birds, animals, and crustaceans. If we choose to pay attention, it can also indicate ways that we humans can align ourselves with the rhythms and cycles of life in our efforts to bring ourselves back into harmony with nature.
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