All "Practical Skills" Posts for 2021
Here you'll find everything I wrote in 2021 in the category of "Practical Skills." There's also a companion post that lists all the 2021 posts in my "Empowered Thinking" category.
Use the links in the box below to jump to a collection of posts, or scroll down the page manually and browse through them all. To read an overview of this post category, go to the Practical Skills for Sustainable Living page.
I hope you find something to enjoy, and thanks for reading along this year. I'll be back with more in 2022!
DIY Bathroom Basics
Switching from synthetic personal care products to simple, natural alternatives means giving up superficial attributes like foam, fragrance, and texture, which are achieved using toxic ingredients. This article explores how we got so dependent on these products and shares 3 ideas we can rely on in our efforts to get back to natural.
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Growing What We Need
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